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The Pitch

Which team has the innovators, planners and presenters to successfully emerge from the Shark Tank? The Pitch will combine the creative flair and business acumen of all participants as they work in teams to create, plan and pitch a fundraising event for charity.

Welcome to the Corporate Challenge Events Shark Tank where participants will be tested on their creative flair, business acumen and presentation skills.

Your participants will be split into teams to take part in a competitive but friendly battle of wit, creative flare and team work.

Each team will pitch to the sharks (judging panel) an idea for a fundraising day or initiative that will benefit a nominated charity. The sharks will be made up of a representative from the nominated charity, a Corporate Challenge Events facilitator and a member of senior management from your company.

Teams will have the opportunity to meet with a representative of the charity to gain an insight into the organisation and the project they are fundraising for.

Each team will then develop a plan based on a budget for a real life fundraising event aligned with the charity’s values.

As the teams refine their fundraising concept, they will prepare a pitch to be made to the shark tank judging panel.

Each team’s pitch will feature details of their fundraising event including what it is, where it is, when it is, who is involved, who it is targeted to, a promotional plan and estimated proceeds it will generate.

After the sharks confer, a winning pitch is announced.

It is then revealed that the budget all teams were operating with will be donated to charity so they can now bring the fundraising plan to life.

The Pitch is a charity team building event that will develop planning, creativity, project management, team spirit and corporate social responsibility.

Contact us for a tailored proposal on The Pitch by completing the form on this page.

Team Building Enquiry - Step 1 of 3

Price Beat Guarantee!

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Fun Guarantee!

Primary benefit
Fun teambuilding with tailored outcomes
Recreational event promoting team interaction
Secondary benefit
Team work
Corporate social responsibility
Team spirit
Team size
For groups of 5 to 500+
Can be from 2 hours to a full day
Space requirements
Best as an indoor program