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Planning a team building event can be an exciting and challenging task. The goal is to create an experience that brings your team members closer together, improves communication and collaboration, and fosters a positive work environment. However, it’s important to remember that not all team building events are created equal. Infact, team building activities can be dreaded by some people due to various reasons, such as fear of embarrassment or failure, lack of interest or relevance, negative past experiences, personal preferences, or lack of trust or respect within the team. Ultimately, it is important that organisers plan engaging and meaningful activities so everyone feels comfortable participating, sharing ideas, and having fun in order to make the most out of the experience.

In this article, we will explore the do’s and don’ts of planning a team building activity and how they can impact the success of your event.

The Dosof Planning a Team Building Event:

Define clear objectives:

Before planning any team building event, it’s important to define clear objectives. What do you want to achieve through the event? What specific skills or behaviours do you want to target? Defining clear objectives will help you choose the right activities and ensure that your event is successful.

Go offsite:

Going offsite allows everyone to get away from their daily routines, setting aside any preconceived notions they may have had about one another before arriving together in a new space. This opens up the opportunity for more open dialogue and honest communication between team members that wouldn’t happen at the office!

Choose the right venue:

The venue you choose can have a significant impact on the success of your event. Consider the size of your team, the type of activities you have planned, and the location when choosing a venue. It’s also important to ensure that the venue is accessible and has the necessary amenities.

Consider your team's preferences and abilities:

Every team is unique, and what works for one team may not work for another. Consider your team’s preferences when planning your event. What type of activities do they enjoy? What are their interests and physical abilities? Taking these factors into account will help you create an event that is engaging and enjoyable for everyone.

Flatten the hierarchy:

Team building events are a great opportunity to remove ‘titles’ and create a more level playing field for everyone. Encourage open dialogue and participation from all members, no matter their rank or status within the team.

Hire experts:

External experts can bring a fresh perspective, unbiased approach, and specialised skills to facilitate a team building event. They can help design customized activities that are tailored to the needs and goals of the team, provide guidance and support throughout the event, and offer insights and feedback to help identify areas for improvement. By working with external experts, team members can also feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, as they are not directly reporting to the facilitator helping to flatten the hierarchy as we mentioned above. Overall, using external experts can enhance the effectiveness and impact of a team building event, and help teams achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively.

Provide opportunities for socialising:

Team building events are an excellent opportunity for team members to socialise and get to know each other on a personal level. Make sure to provide opportunities for socialising, such as a group lunch or happy hour, to help build relationships among team members.

Follow up with action:

A successful team building event doesn’t end when the event is over. Follow up with action to ensure that the skills and behaviours targeted during the event are carried forward into the workplace. This can include providing ongoing training or support to team members.

The Don'tsof Planning a Team Building Event:

Don't force participation:

Not everyone enjoys team building events, and forcing team members to participate can create resentment and a negative attitude towards the event. Make sure that participation is voluntary.

Don't ignore individual needs:

It’s important to consider the individual needs of team members when planning your event. This includes any dietary restrictions, accessibility requirements, physical ability, age, cultural beliefs, etc.

Don't make it all about work:

While the goal of a team building event is to improve team dynamics and productivity, it’s important to remember that it’s also an opportunity for team members to have fun and relax. Don’t make the event all about work.

Don't overlook safety:

Safety should always be a top priority when planning a team building event. Make sure that any activities you have planned are safe and that you have taken all necessary precautions. Working with a reputable supplier will help ensure that safety guidelines are followed and risk assessments are meeting compliance.

Don't make it all about competition:

While a little healthy competition can be fun, making the activity overly competitive can create tension and detract from the goal of building stronger relationships within the team. Make sure to balance competition with collaboration and focus on building teamwork and trust.

Don't keep people in the dark:

Deciding to keep your team building day a surprise can be a recipe for disaster. Not knowing what to expect can create anxiety and uncertainty, and lead to disengagement or resistance from team members. It’s important to communicate the necessary details as well as any logistical details, well in advance of the event. This can help team members feel more prepared and invested in the activity, and allow them to provide input or feedback that can improve the overall experience. Clear communication on the need to know details also helps to build trust and transparency within the team, which is essential for effective teamwork and collaboration.

Don't expect one team building day to solve all your problems:

It’s important to remember that one team building day cannot solve all your problems. While team building activities can be a valuable tool for improving communication, building trust, and enhancing collaboration, they are not a silver bullet solution to complex issues. Building a strong team requires ongoing effort and attention, and team building activities should be seen as just one part of a larger strategy for improving team dynamics and workplace culture. It’s also important to have realistic expectations for the outcome of the activity and to recognise that change takes time. By viewing team building activities as an ongoing commitment and part of a larger effort to build stronger teams and foster a positive work environment, organisations can achieve long-lasting improvements in teamwork, productivity, and overall performance.

Team building events can be a powerful tool for enhancing collaboration, building trust, and improving workplace culture. However, planning a successful team building event is not always easy, and it requires careful consideration of a range of factors. By following the dos and don’ts of team building, organisations can create engaging and effective activities that bring out the best in their teams. From selecting relevant and engaging activities to creating a supportive environment, the right approach can help foster a sense of connection, creativity, and collaboration among team members. So why not take the time to plan an epic team building day for your organisation? By investing in the growth and development of your teams, you can create a more positive and productive work environment that benefits everyone. Who knows what amazing things you and your team can achieve when you work together towards a common goal?