When team building activities are done correctly, they can have a tremendous impact on the team as a whole. Team members will feel more connected to one another and will be able to work better together as a result. However, if the team building activities are not followed up with actions in the day-to-day business operation, all of that good work can go to waste. In this blog post, we will discuss why it is important to maintain the buzz from your team building activities and provide some strategies for doing so!
It is firstly important to note that team building activities should be seen as an investment in the team, and not just as a one-time event. Getting the most out of the wonderful impacts of a team-building event takes ongoing commitment from the whole team and the team leader. When a team is passionate and buys into their ongoing success, they are more likely to go the extra mile and work together towards a common goal.
The importance of maintaining the team-building 'buzz'
Maintaining the energy that comes from a team building event cannot be underestimated. A well-run team building event may have a significant impact on your business’s success. From better communication to increased productivity, there are many reasons why maintaining the post-event buzz is essential.
This has been backed up by research. A study conducted in 2014 showed that team-building activities can have a positive impact on job satisfaction, commitment to the organisation and team cohesion. However, these effects only lasted for a short period of time unless there was follow-up after the event. This means that it’s not enough to just do a team building activity once – you need to keep the momentum going afterwards as well!
Key strategies for maintaining the post-team building buzz are:
- NRegular check-ins with the team
- NEncourage socialising outside of work
- NMake time for fun at work
- NKeep the communication lines open
- NEncourage creativity
- NSet goals as a team
- NLead by example
I’m sure you’re thinking, “These are fantastic ideas, but how am I going to implement them and really instill this type of culture in my team long term? “
Well I’m glad you asked…
Introducing the Fish! Philosphy…
By practicing FISH!, I am not talking about jumping into the sea and swimming with fish. By practicing FISH!, I am talking about learning, appreciating and applying the universal training philosophy called FISH!
The origins of the FISH! Philosophy go back to 1997 when filmmaker John Christensen visited the world-famous Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, USA.
John was amazed at the crowds that were attracted by the joy, enthusiasm and energy of the fishmongers that worked there, and the large sales this created. He noticed that the actual work of selling fish was arduous and repetitive, however, the fishmongers chose to bring joy to their job.
The FISH! Philosophy is made up of four very simple practices that when applied and combined as an organisation will transform the relationships between every interaction within business. However, simple in concept; it is much more powerful in practice. When these practices are integrated into your everyday business and team behaviours, the results truly are amazing!
There are small things that you can apply straight away that will change the way it feels to live, work, communicate and lead. Based on the four Fish! practices; below are some easy techniques you can use to educate your team on keeping the momentum going:

Be emotionally present for people. It’s a powerful message of respect that improves communication and strengthens relationships.
- Ban phones from meetings.
- Remember everyone has a story you know nothing about. Commit to letting go of pre-existing thoughts about individual customers or work colleagues and treat the next interaction as if you have never met them before.
- Listen without intending to respond.

Tap into your natural way of being creative, enthusiastic and having fun. Play is the spirit that drives the curious mind, as in “Let’s play with that idea!” You can bring this mindset to everything you do.
- Find fun ways to track goals or progress towards targets and make it everyone’s job to update as they achieve.
- Smile more (check in with yourself during the day and ask yourself how many times I smiled in the last 30 minutes… take it to the next level and go out of your way to make someone laugh.

Find simple ways to serve or delight people in a meaningful, memorable way. It’s about contributing to someone else’s life—not because you want something, but because, that’s the person you want to be.
- Commit to doing something for someone else daily.
- Recognise others for anything small or big. Whether it be personal or business related; we all appreciate our efforts being recognised.
- Do something for a customer they are not expecting, go above and beyond their expectations.

Take responsibility for how you respond to what life throws at you. Your choice affects others. Ask yourself: “Is my attitude helping my team or my customers? Is it helping me to be the person I want to be?”
- Create a company Facebook page or Whats App group and commit everyone to posting their “choice of attitude” for everyone to see every day.
- Place “Choose Your Attitude” signs around your workplace in strategic places (ie on doorways to meeting rooms/entrance hall) to remind everyone that attitude is a choice!
- Before you meet with ANYONE check in with yourself – YOUR attitude is contagious… check to make sure you want yours to be caught!
Focussing on a new practice each week or month will help introduce the change gradually and allow everyone to have some fun with it. More importantly practicing the Fish! Philosophy following a team building event will keep the energy alive and thriving.
By following these tips, you can infuse the energy of a team building activity into your everyday business operation and create a positive team culture your whole team is proud to be a part of!
Remember maintaining a positive vibe is EVERYONE’s responsibility and no ONE person’s job. Educate, practice and commit to making a change and the results will amaze you.
What other ways do you think are important for maintaining a positive team culture? Let us know in the comments below!
Corporate Challenge Events are proud to be an official and accredited provider of FISH! Training in Australia and New Zealand.
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