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Why team bonding is important to start the year

The start of a new year can bring excitement and renewed enthusiasm for employees but it can also herald changes in roles and personnel for many organisations.

Scheduling a team bonding day early in the New Year is a great way to harness enthusiasm amongst staff, integrate new people into your team, and to develop a positive team culture.

I firmly believe that positive and fun team cultures create success!

I also understand that maintaining positive team cultures requires ongoing commitment and planning.

Regular team bonding events can be important as part of your commitment to maintaining a great culture at work.

With the festive season upon us, in most organisations there is a sense of excitement to celebrate the year just gone and enjoy some Christmas spirit.

However when the new year comes around and many companies welcome back staff from holidays, it can be just as important to take advantage of this time from a team building perspective to lay the platform for a great and successful 12 months ahead.

I can honestly say from my experience in my own company Corporate Challenge Events and also delivering team building programs for thousands of clients around New Zealand and Australia that three reasons stand out why team bonding is important to start the year.

1. Clarity

It gives your team an opportunity to revisit your company vision and engage them in setting a 12 month plan. This provides clarity on where the company is heading and what is the focus for success.

Most people will return to work with renewed motivation to achieve. Many will have reassessed their personal goals and planned their own personal achievements for the year.

With this in mind, what better way to start the working year than a team bonding session that embraces your teams’ personal goals and connects them with the company goals.

If your staff has a greater connection between their work and personal life and are clear on direction and goals, you have created a conducive environment for team success.

2. Inclusion

Involving all levels of employees in your team bonding event from management to frontline staff can be extremely beneficial in unifying your team.

The hierarchical model of leadership is diminishing and we are seeing a growth in matrix style management.

A team event that removes any form of hierarchy and puts everyone on a level playing field will help create a greater level of inclusion and have a positive effect on team culture.

It can also help identify skills and abilities in employees that you were not aware of and highlight the emerging leaders in your team.

3. Energy

We have all been to a training course or seminar and left feeling energised and ready to change the world.

With the relaxation and energy that the Christmas and New Year break can bring, a team bonding event is an ideal way to embrace these positive elements and set your team up for a successful year ahead.

Energy is important in all areas of life and, as we know, a more energised team will be more productive, creative and, importantly, happy.

A team bonding activity will give your company a positive injection to start the year. Everyone will feel connected and clear about why they work for you, what they are trying to achieve for the year ahead, and how you will all get there together.

Dwain Richardson, Managing Director, Corporate Challenge Events – a specialist in team bonding events in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch.